KH Choir Shines in Strasbourg: Uniting Voices to Celebrate the European Parliament’s 70th Anniversary

The King’s Hospital School Choir recently traveled to Strasbourg to participate in the 70th anniversary of the European Parliament.

They performed the European anthem alongside 700 other young Europeans in the Parliament’s hemicycle.

Representing students from various countries within the European Union, the KH Choir traveled to Alsace as part of a school exchange program with Alsatian colleges, joining in the grand celebration of the European Parliament’s 70th anniversary. Their awe-inspiring performance of the European anthem took place in collaboration with the Maitrise de l’Opéra National du Rhin, captivating the audience with their harmonies.

The journey began with the safe arrival of the KH Choir in Strasbourg, where they immediately delved into intense rehearsals at the renowned ZENITH. Immersed in perfecting their voices, the choir members poured their hearts and souls into creating a breathtaking musical experience. The culmination of their efforts came to fruition during the highly anticipated live event on Tuesday, May 30th.

During their journey, they also experienced a flash mob and visited various places, such as the Musée des Beaux-Arts and the Botanic Gardens.

Titled “Inspiring Musical Journey: Children’s Voices Unite to Build a Better World,” the experience encapsulated the true essence of the event. Luciano Bibiloni, conductor of the Orchestre du Rhin, expressed his profound gratitude to all participants and their families for embracing the ambitious vision of using children’s voices to shape a brighter future for Europe.

The success of the trip was made possible through the guidance and support of teachers Miriam Wright, Dave Hardy, and Lisa Cunningham.

The transformative journey serves as a testament to the profound impact that music can have in building bridges and shaping a better tomorrow.

Scroll down for pictures and videos. 

Picture Gallery
Form 1 KH Choir at Strasbourg, France
Form 1 KH Choir Strasbourg – Ode to Joy