
Form 5 art class visit Andy Warhol exhibit in The Hugh Lane
The KH Art class trip was a fantastic experience for Form 5 students, who had the opportunity to visit the Andy Warhol exhibit at The Hugh Lane. The exhibit showcased Warhol's vibrant and iconic pieces, leaving a lasting impression on...
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KH Library round up
The KH library has had their head in the books this term! So many wonderful events have happened in the Harden Library with an array of wonderful books being added continuously. World Book Day 2024 To celebrate world book day...
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TY Law Class visit the Law Society of Ireland
The KH TY Law Class enjoyed a fantastic day out yesterday, exploring the magnificent buildings of the Law Society of Ireland. These historic structures, once the classrooms and dormitories of The King’s Hospital School in Blackhall Place, provided a fascinating...
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eTwinning Europe success continues at KH
KH received both National and European Quality Labels for the outstanding success of the ‘Europe Our DNA’ project through eTwinning Europe, led by Ms. Viki Malcolm’s class last semester. Throughout the entire year various year groups have been working hard at...
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KH students attend Theatre and Mental Health workshop
Our Form 4 students visited The Civic Theatre to take part in a new workshop that supports young people and their mental health. The initiative created by Real Learning Ltd called "The Challenges of Being My Best Self" is an...
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World Poetry Day at KH
Students from F1 and F2 recited some wonderful poems in the chapel, some original compositions and some from well-known poets. A big thank you to the English teachers and Mr Whiteside for this event, giving the students a platform to...
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International Women’s Day at KH
The KH community celebrated International Women’s Day with a week of events organized by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, including an IWD Quiz, a guest speaker on activism, politics and the referendum, senior choir performances, and a bake sale. Councillor...
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TY Film Making class win Rubbish Film Fest Best Poster
Congratulations to the TY Film Making class for their win in the "Rubbish Film Festival." Our students were awarded "Best Poster" in the South Dublin region category, a recognition of their creativity and hard work. Well done to all involved.
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Minister Emer Higgins and Greek Ambassador Magdalini Nicolaou visit KH
For Europe Day 2024 we were honored to have Emer Higgins, Minister of State with responsibility for Employment Affairs and Retail Businesses and Mrs Magdalini Nicolaou, Greek Ambassador to Ireland in KH to speak to our students. It was wonderful...
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The 2nd Annual KH Piano Festival
This semester we were treated to an incredible day of music from the very talented KH pianists in Form 1 to Form 6, at The 2nd Annual KH Piano Festival. Overall there were 25 entrants in this years festival who provided...
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