
The King’s Hospital School policies are designed to ensure that students achieve their full potential while they are a part of our school community and are underpinned by our missions, ethos, and values, which were refreshed in 2023 through collaboration and dialogue with our school community.


Our mission is to provide a holistic and supportive community that inspires and educates each generation, to enrich the world we live in.


We are a close-knit and dedicated community, grounded in Church of Ireland values of respect, courage, and inclusivity, that is committed to learning and self-development. We embrace diversity and welcome young people and adults regardless of difference into our school community.


Curiosity: We foster a love of learning and value enquiring minds who are not afraid to share ideas.

  • We nurture creativity and encourage original thought.
  • We champion the effort required to reach our highest potential.
  • We seek inspiration from each other, inside and outside the classroom.

Integrity: We respect each other as we develop and grow in different directions.

  • We are considerate to others, doing what’s right even when no one is watching.
  • We act with confidence, welcoming discussion, and valuing the opinions of others.
  • We explore opportunities to improve ourselves and the world around us.

Compassion: We are proud of our inclusive and diverse community and have the courage to do better.

  • We are guided by our beliefs whilst standing up for the uniqueness of others.
  • We care for all our community, loving our neighbours as ourselves.
  • We all play a part in creating a strong and thriving community.

All the policies are available in the download section of this page.

Any observations from parents with regard to child safeguarding can be emailed to the Deputy Head – click here.  These will be collated and taken account of at the next review.

Any observations from parents with regard to our Wellbeing Policy listed below can be emailed to Susan Tanner – Counsellor. These will be collated and taken account of at the next review.

Diversity & Inclusion

At the Kings Hospital School, we understand that diversity on its own does not translate into a successful learning environment if not paired with equity and inclusion. Our mission is to embed these values into the fabric of our school to ensure that our entire staff, student body and all members of our school community feel included, supported, and valued.

    Strong focus on anti-bullying

    The King’s Hospital School aims to create a positive living and learning environment, which focuses on respect for the individual. All members of staff share a collective responsibility, under the direction of the Headmaster, to act in preventing bullying or aggressive behaviour by any member of the school community.

    The King’s Hospital School promotes habits of mutual respect, courtesy and an awareness of the interdependence of people in our community. We aim to create an atmosphere that encourages students to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour, sexual harassment, racism, and any form of discrimination. We also recognise the role that parents play in the task of making our school a pleasant and safe environment for all.