Students Excel at Carrick Boat Club Head Race: Triumph in Challenging Conditions

Students Excel at Carrick Boat Club Head Race: Triumph in Challenging Conditions

Our students showcased remarkable determination and skill at the recent Carrick Boat Club Head Race. Despite adverse weather conditions, their dedication to excellence shone through, securing commendable positions in this challenging rowing competition.

The event witnessed our student-athletes competing fiercely, navigating Lough Rynn Lake with grit and resilience. Notably, our team achieved remarkable success with a 2nd place finish in the J16 2x category, credited to the outstanding performances by Jamie and Ronan. Additionally, Jamie’s exceptional effort secured a commendable 3rd place in the J16 1x race.

Their triumphs exemplify the relentless training, discipline, and sportsmanship instilled within our students, thanks to the unwavering guidance of our coaching staff, particularly Coach Wil, who also expertly captured the essence of these moments through photography.

The Carrick Boat Club Head Race stands as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our student-athletes, reflecting our school’s commitment to nurturing both athletic excellence and character development.

Join us in celebrating their outstanding achievements and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.
