KH Transition Year Students Embrace Ireland’s Legal Legacy at Four Courts with Solicitor Aimee Mulroy

KH Transition Year Students Embrace Ireland's Legal Legacy at Four Courts with Solicitor Aimee Mulroy

Diving into Ireland’s legal history, the Transition Year (TY) students of KH recently embarked on an educational excursion to the renowned Four Courts.

Led by tutor and esteemed KH alumni, solicitor Aimee Mulroy, the students delved into the intricacies of the country’s legal system.

The Four Courts, an iconic symbol of Ireland’s legal heritage, became an immersive classroom for the students, offering a firsthand look at the complexities of the legal framework. Aimee Mulroy’s guidance provided invaluable insights and context, bridging the gap between theoretical studies and real-world applications.

The experience proved to be both enlightening and engaging, as students witnessed the practical aspects of legal proceedings within the historic walls of the courthouse.

The visit offered a unique opportunity for the students to grasp the legacy and evolution of Ireland’s legal system.