Gary Robinson

National Concert Hall trip for Form 3
Our Form 3 had a trip to the National Concert Hall to hear their Junior Cycle coursework in person. Big thank you to Ms Cunningham who accompanied the students on the trip.
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Interschools Music Festival success for KH
The Interschool Music Festival was an incredible success for KH Performing Arts. Well done to all the students involved with a special thank you to their teachers Mr Kelly and Ms Warwick. In total our students won 6 awards at...
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TY Performing Arts bring home the gold!
KH TY performing arts pick up another win! Our talented F4 students won the "Best Choral Performance Award" at the All Ireland Drama finals and Light Entertainment Competition. The students also won "Best Original Script" and Laura won "Best Supporting...
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A night at the Opera for Form 6 Music
The Form 6 Music students were treated to an evening of Opera at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre. Ms Writght and Ms Cunningham accompanied the students to a showing of "Salome".
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KH on the podium at Leinster Athletics School Championships
Huge congratulations to all the staff and students involved in KH Athletics. At the Leinster School Championships our students added 5 more medals to this seasons already impressive tally. Abigail (F4) had great success winning 2 medals. Bronze in the...
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Seachtain Na Gaeilge at KH
We had a great week of activities to celebrate the Irish culture and language with performances, quizzes & céilís at KH.  The Jazz Band arranged by Dave Hardy, along with members from the KH orchestra treated us all to an...
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TY trip to Barcelona
Back in April our Form 4 students visited sunny Barcelona as their TY trip. The weekend was busy with visits to historical and cultural sites alike. Massive thanks to Viki Malcolm for all the amazing photos. Gallery
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KH Denim Day
This March the King's Hospital staff, students, and parents raised close to €3'000 in funds for those impacted by Dementia. So many colleagues, friends and families have loved ones who have lived with or are living with dementia that we...
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Trip to Belfast for Form 1 & Form 2
To round the year off our Form 1 and Form 2 students went on a trip to Belfast. The had an itinerary packed full of fun activities to rewards their hard work during the school year. The students visited W5...
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Valedictory 2024
Celebrating the official end of school for #KHClassofXXIV with a moving Valedictory Chapel Service showcasing the amazing musical talent from that year’s group,  followed by Dinner and a lovely catch-up with students and their families. Saying goodbye is never easy, but...
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