Making an Impact: Capuchin Day Centre Nappy Drive Update

This blog post emphasizes the 'KH Nappy Drive' initiative and encourages readers to contribute to supporting homeless mothers at the Capuchin Day Centre in Dublin.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone involved in this year’s Nappy Drive supporting the Capuchin Day Centre! Huge applause to our incredible volunteers for organizing a successful drive. Thank you to all generous donors for your contributions. Today, the center received your donations and was truly delighted. Let’s continue supporting the Capuchin Day Center’s vital work for the Irish homeless community!

The KH Nappy Drive initiative is in full swing, spearheaded by the proactive efforts of 4L & 4M students. Their mission is to provide essential support to homeless mothers at the Capuchin Day Centre in Dublin, and your contributions can make a meaningful impact.

We’re calling upon the kindness and generosity of our community to donate nappies, wipes, formula, baby toys, and non-perishable food items. These simple yet vital items can greatly alleviate the challenges faced by homeless mothers striving to provide for their babies.

You can drop off your donations at designated locations: F2 (Ms. McGinn’s) and A2 (Ms. Moore’s). Every contribution matters and will directly benefit these mothers in need.

Together, let’s extend our helping hands and show our support to these resilient mothers who deserve our care and consideration. Your involvement in the ‘KH Nappy Drive’ can make a significant difference in their lives.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity. Your participation will contribute to building a more supportive and caring community for everyone.