School Fees – Fee Information

Fees for the 2024/2025 academic year are
Day€8,910 per annum
5-Day Boarding (Domestic)€18,460 per annum
7-Day Boarding (Domestic)€20,824 per annum
7-Day Boarding (EU)€27,084 per annum
7-Day Boarding (Non-EU)€28,185 per annum

 All school fees are payable in advance and are due, in full, prior to the first day of term in August and January; by direct debit over 8 months from August to March; half yearly in advance before 1st August and 1st January (EU students) or yearly in advance before 1st August (non-EU students). 


There are certain incidental charges that are additional to the basic school fee.  These include personal accident insurance, school fees remission scheme, bluecoat magazine, parent’s association fee, transition year fee, additional textbooks, external exam fees, prescriptions, day trips, photos, etc. 

Some charges will be notified to parents in advance with payment required immediately through our Online Payments’ system or; where charges cannot be notified to parents in advance, they will be allocated to the fee invoice and due for payment with the basic school fee prior to the start of term in August and January.

Fee Invoice Charges

1) Personal Accident Insurance

This is a mandatory policy covering routine medical expenses following accidents to students, with a sum insured of €30,000.00 per student per claim.  The policy is limited to payment of medical and dental expenses not recoverable from any other policy of insurance or any other health or personal accident insurer.  In the event of an accident resulting in medical expenses you may download a claim form from which should be completed and returned to the Insurers with supporting documentation within 30 days.  In the event of an emergency, any major medical expenses incurred, on your behalf, by the school will be charged to you for immediate repayment.  Please note that the onus is on Parents to apply for and return the completed claim forms.

A mandatory charge of €15 per annum is included on the July fee invoice.  

2) Transition Year (TY)

This is a mandatory fee for all 4th year students which contributes to the additional expenses incurred in Transition Year such as the Killary trip, the end of year trip and the weekly excursions and tours.

A mandatory charge of €267 is included on the July and December fee invoices.

3) Optional Subjects Fee (1st Year)

This is a mandatory fee for all 1st year students which contributes to the cost of books and materials for the 6 subjects that they ‘sample’ in the first term.  The text books and materials for these subjects (with the exception of copybooks and stationery) are supplied by the school.  After Christmas, students select the two subjects that they wish to continue to study for the Junior Cert and will then purchase the necessary materials for their own use based on their subject choices. 

A mandatory charge of €50 is included on the July fee invoice.

4) School Fees Remission Scheme

This is an optional scheme whereby school fees are insured against absence through sickness for more than five consecutive days.  For further information on the scheme please review the ‘SFRS Information Leaflet available on the school website.  If you do not wish to avail of this charge email within 30 days of fee invoice date.

An optional charge of €156 for 7 day boarders, €138 for 5 day boarders and €67 for day students is included on the July and December fee invoices. 

5)  Parents Association

This is a charge for annual membership of The King’s Hospital School Parent’s Association.  If you do not wish to avail of this charge email within 30 days of fee invoice date.

A charge of €25 per annum, per family, is included on the December fee invoice.

6) KHPPU (6th Year)

This is a charge for 5 year membership of The King’s Hospital School Past Pupils Union and is only charged to 6th Year students in their final year at the schoolIf you do not wish to avail of this charge email prior to the October midterm break of their 6th year.

A charge of €100, per 6th Year student, is included on the December fee invoice issued in the year in which they leave the school.

Certain charges that are incurred by the school on behalf of a student, for example, provision of additional textbooks, prescriptions, external exam fees (for RIAM music / drama, drama, EAL, Cambridge), class tours, etc are also included on the fee invoice.  They will then be due for payment, with the basic school fee, prior to the start of term in August and January.  Details of these charges will be included in the booklist (where applicable) and/or notified to parents via email during the school year.

Online Payment Charges

Students are also offered the opportunity to avail of ‘optional’ activities / events, ie, extra-curricular activities, day trips, photos, bluecoat magazine, etc.  These charges will be notified to parents in advance and will require payment through our ‘Online Payments’ system prior to the student participating in the activity / event. 

Occasionally, the school facilitates our families by making payment directly to 3rd parties on their behalf, for example, RIAM music / drama exams, with the charge included on the student’s fee invoice for repayment to the school.  No refunds / credits can be issued by the school where a student cannot participate in the activity and the terms and conditions of the 3rd party do not permit refunds.  Refunds / credits can only be considered where the school recoups the monies paid to the 3rd party on the student’s behalf.

For further information or clarification on school fees, payment of fees or fee support please contact:

Mrs Carly Lynch

Finance Office

+353 1 643 6534   

The Finance Office is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, throughout the calendar year. 

N.B. The information quoted above is set for the academic year 2024/2025 and is subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Governors