International Students


    • Form 1 & 4 Tuesday August 19th  14:00 to 20:00 
    • Form 4 Parent/Student meeting with Houseperson and Nurse Tuesday 16:00-17:00
    • Form 3 & 6 returning students Wednesday August 20th 14:00 to 20:00
    • Form 2 & 5 Thursday August 21st 14:00 – 20:00
    • Form 2 & 5 Parent/Student meeting with Houseperson and Nurse Thursday 16:00-17:00

    Forms 2-5 BOARDING 2024 Parent & Student Information Pack

    Preferred arrival for new students 14:00 to 20:00 – exceptions made due to limited flight options from 09:00 to 21:00 – outside those hours students must remain with their guardian.


    If Form 1 parents are staying in Dublin overnight they are welcome to attend the houseperson meeting for all Form 1 boarders.

    You can drop off luggage from 09:00 if you wish to go shopping for school supplies, and then return no later than 20:00.

    Please discuss with us directly where you have more than one child who are due in on different days,

    F1 2024 Parent Information Evening Presentation FINAL


    Students must use the school airport transport service at all times during the school year and are not permitted to take their own transport to the airport or travel with their guardian.

    The exception being a departure or arrival to school between 22:00 and 07:00. Then the guardian must arrange for the student’s transportation and a host family for that night. It is very disruptive to a room of students and staff members to wake up a student or settle them back in once everyone is sleeping.

    One-way trip to the airport remains at €50. This covers the cost of a school approved driver, who will be in contact with the school and the parents on departure and arrival, to ensure a smooth and safe airport transfer.

    Payment is made online for each trip in advance and the responsibility lies with the parent or appointed agent/guardian to provide the correct flight information and any testing/quarantine requirements, to the school in a timely manner.

    Click here for more detail  International Travel Arrangements 2024- 25


    It is very important that you choose your guardian wisely. Guardianship is an invaluable service for students and their parents, and this was very evident during the pandemic. Please contact Michelle Foley for further information on our guardianship expectations; and how to select a suitable guardian for your child. A guardianship induction meeting is planned for August 30th at 12.00pm in the school. Each guardian is expected to attend.

    If a guardian is going out of the country they must appoint another guardian in their place, and we must be made aware of that in advance.


    All new students will have inductions in the first week to help them choose their Sports & Extra-curricular activities and to familiarise themselves with the school grounds and protocols.

    Tuesday, August 19th Form 1 & 4 boarders arrive
    Wednesday August 20th

    Form 1 & 4 boarders & day students’ induction

    Form 3 & 6 boarders arrive

    Thursday August 21st

    Form 1 & 4 boarders & day students first full day of school.

    Form 3 & 6 boarders & day students’ induction

    Form 2 & 5 boarders arrive

    Friday, August 22nd

    Form 1 & 4 boarders & day students – full day of school.

    Form 3 & 6 boarders & day students – full day of school.

    Form 2 & 5 boarders & day students- induction

    Saturday, August 23rd 


    New international students sit English test.


    Sunday, August 24th  Boarders off-campus shopping trip for essentials.

    Saturday August 30th                   Guardian meeting on campus 12.00pm 


    Our uniform for both school and sports is also visible through this link.

    Photos of the required uniform also shown in the Forms 2-5 BOARDING 2024 Parent & Student Information Pack.

    Booklists – not available yet

    Students in Form 1 – 5 must purchase books and download the e-book onto their device (code on inside cover)



    You can purchase most boarding items locally, as we are adjacent to Liffey Valley shopping mall that has departments stores; Marks and Spencer, Dunnes Stores, an Eason bookstore and a Primark (Penneys). You can also purchase books, uniform and bedding online and have them shipped to the school, over the summer holiday – clearly marked with your child’s name. Some guardians will purchase items for you if it is included in their service package.


    • All students who require language support receive EAL classes each week.
    • All new students will be tested for their English level during the 1st week of school
    • An email will be sent to you with their results, and advice on what further study they need.
    • All new students will need to purchase 1-2 books and sit an alternative English Certificate Exam, if not taking Cambridge exams. The cost of the books, exam fee and transport will be advised in that email (approximately €220).
    • The total cost of sitting a Cambridge exam is €750 incl. lessons, exam fee & transport. 
    • Click here for more detail EAL provision for 2023-24

    Information below on how to set up our boarding app – a communication between parents and boarding staff

    Orah Parent Guardian Guide

    Please see our Duty of Care Handbook for Parents

    Duty of Care Handbook 2024- 25 (Parent Guide)

    Please email Michelle @ or call us on +353 1 643-6564 with any questions.