Our Team
We have a dedicated team of career counsellors in our Career Guidance and Counselling Department who help students identify talents and potential and open up career possibilities.
We provide three main areas of counselling:
- Personal guidance and counselling
- Educational guidance and counselling
- Career guidance and counselling
The department also offers practical One to One personal assistance on college/university applications – both at home and abroad – and our modern, up-to-date careers library is a major asset to pupils.
Careers Portal Live Calendar

Susan Tanner
Careers Department Head HDCG, HDipED, BSC

Lorna McGinn
Careers Advisor M.A. GDED, SGCiP, B.A.

Dr Marion McGinn
Career Guidance Administrator PhD (TCD), MSc (TCD), BA (Hons) (NUI)
for Parents
Susan Tanner – Guidance department – Presentation
Guide for parents to third level education
Recognition of studies across Europe
Parents plus adolescents programme
Resources for parents by the IGC
Careers newsletters – Information on Course choices, Career Exploration, Employability, Stress Management/Anxiety/Mindfulness,
Graduate profiles, Career events, Career paths, Careers Resources
Guidance Resources/Tools
Our computerised resource centre gives access to national and international databases and information on third-level courses and careers.